Dogs Dress up for Heart of the City 5K

If you live in DTLA you know  there’s a pretty vibrant neighborhood in the proximity of Staples Center called South Park.  California Hospital Medical Center sits right at the south end of this community at 1401 S. Grand Avenue.  This past Sunday, April 13th, California Hospital Medical Center hosted their 2nd Annual Heart of the City  5K run/ walk.  They obviously have some pull with the city because we were  treated to the pleasure of strolling down the middle of the pristine, empty, quiet streets of this newer, more modern section of downtown.  Whether it was the decorum of this chic neighborhood or the proximity of FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising) never have I seen so many well-dressed dogs out for a morning stroll!

The event started in front of California Hospital Medical Center at 8:00 a.m.

4 12 race time

Parents pushing babies in strollers,  lots of leisurely walkers                and dogs galore!  Here Coco has turned around to make sure I’m going to catch up!

4 12 Coco waiting for me

Let’s just say I was more in it for the fun of it–but I did spend a little time on my wardrobe, too.

4 12 in the race

Now here’s some serious competition!

4 12 Big poodle dog

Love the matching shoes and wings!

4 12 fair dog walking

Coco & Jay make their move to overtake the beflowered prancing poodle

4 12 Jay and Coco

The finish line in our sights!

4 12 CA Health Bldg

Yes, there were medals for the winning runners–more on that for another post..but the  biggest competition was about to go to the dogs…

Who would you pick?

4 12 ladybug dog 4 12 minnie mouse dog winner 4 12 panty dog 4 12 Pink dot dog 4 12 pink stripe T and skirt dog 4 12 scout dog4 12 fairy dogs

It was a close competition but the pup in the red and white polka dot I Love Lucy dress (some called it a Minnie Mouse frock) took home the prize.

4 12 big dog

And  there were those who just couldn’t believe that  any self-respecting dogs would subject themselves to such humiliation.   Thank goodness Matteo Pasquini from the famous Pasquini Espresso Company was there serving free cappuccinos and sufficiently distracting dog owners from thoughts of  XXL velour doggie jogging  suits.

Make a note on your calendar to check The Heart of the City 5K website next January to see when the 2015 event will take place.  This year the fund-raising goal was $123,000 and so far $80,263 has been reached.  There are 6 days left to donate. Click HERE if  you’d like to support the work of this dedicated  facility that does so much for the downtown L.A. community.  More to come on this amazing place with heart after I get my tour in May!

3 thoughts on “Dogs Dress up for Heart of the City 5K”

  1. Ok where do I start…Mary you are rocking that outfit, jay you are rocking that beard. Coco you just rock! Yet another great cause and a fun family event. In conclusion …. You all look like this lifestyle agrees with you and it does seem to me that the bustle of the city brings communities and families closer together

  2. Hey Mo, love getting your comments! Yes, there’s really an effort being made to make downtown a place people want to come. When I looked at the list of everyone who registered, they came from all over the area just to have a chance to walk downtown this way.

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